Jan 24, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook Spring 2024 
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook Spring 2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Information

Student Health and Wellness

Emergency First Aid kits are maintained throughout the campuses of SPCC. For injuries requiring more than minor first aid or in case of an emergency, an ambulance service may be called at the student’s expense to provide necessary medical services.

SPCC counselors are available to assist students with counseling needs (academic, career, personal, and mental health), temporary emergency assistance needs, and connecting to external community resources. Counselors may refer students to local counseling centers for students seeking additional mental health counseling. Throughout the semesters, counselors provide focused interactive workshops relating to academic success and general wellness. Counselors welcome students to provide suggested topics for workshops.


Drugs and Alcohol

Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or alcohol is prohibited while in the workplace, at any official function sponsored by the college, or on all college premises except in those college facilities approved for renting to the public for functions and where the distribution and use of alcohol have been approved. Any employee violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and referral for prosecution. The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs is responsible for implementing the Drugs and Alcohol Policy as it relates to students.

General Rules Pertaining to Student Alcohol Use and Possession:

It is against the law for any person under the age of 21 to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage (General Statutes § 18B-302).

No student under the age of 21 may purchase, possess, or consume any alcoholic beverage anywhere on the campus of South Piedmont Community College. Common source containers of alcoholic (e.g. kegs) are not permitted on any South Piedmont Community College property.

Students 21 years of age or older may not sell or give any alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 years of age.

No possession or consumption of alcohol is allowed at any college sponsored function.

No student activity fees or other South Piedmont Community College collected fee shall be used to purchase alcohol for use either on or off campus.

Health Risks of Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol is immediately absorbed by the bloodstream upon consumption, physically affecting the entire body. Some short term effects caused by excessive alcohol consumption include decreased heart rate, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can result in alcohol poisoning, which causes one to lose consciousness and possibly even results in death. Long term effects of alcohol include high blood pressure, depressed immune system, vitamin deficiencies, central nervous system damage, liver disease, and cancer.

Health Risks of Drug Abuse: Recreational drug use can have potentially harmful side effects that can result in serious and long-term health issues. High doses of many drugs can even cause immediate lifethreatening health problems such as respiratory failure, heart attack, or coma. It is especially dangerous to combine drugs with each other.

Alcohol and Drug Education/Prevention Program: South Piedmont Community College is committed to providing an educational atmosphere that is free of substance abuse and encourages lifestyles that are safe and healthy. All members of the academic community - students, faculty, administrators, and staff - share in the responsibility of protecting and promoting this environment and all are expected to exemplify high standards of professional and personal conduct. The illegal or abusive use of alcohol and other drugs by members of the academic community adversely affects the educational environment.

It is the college’s intent to address this issue by implementing a college-wide program available to students that focuses on on-going education and training for intervention and referral. This program is intended to assure that any student shall have access to assistance with alcohol/drug-related problems.

Educational information on alcohol and drug issues will be available to students on a continuing basis throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to, information at orientation, alcohol/drug awareness days, pamphlets on alcohol/drug abuse/awareness, and speakers on selected topics. These activities will be advertised in the SPCC Navigation App and the weekly email “Week at a Glance”.

South Piedmont Community College counselors are available on the L.L. Polk and Old Charlotte Highway campuses and the Tyson Family Center for Technology in the Student Affairs area. Additionally, virtual services are available. Students in need of counseling, treatment, and/or rehabilitation will be referred to local mental health centers on a confidential basis. It will be the student’s decision, however, whether to seek assistance with such problems. Alcohol/drug assistance, which occurs through services provided by other agencies at their organizational sites, will be at the student’s expense. South Piedmont Community College pledges full support to these and other community agencies in our fight to rid our schools of controlled substances.

Every student, faculty member, administrator, and staff member of South Piedmont Community College is responsible for being familiar with and complying with college policies, which strictly prohibit possession and use of alcohol and drugs on campus or at any college sponsored function.

North Carolina Law:

Purchasing, Possession, and/or Selling Alcohol (General Statute § 18B-300 - 18B-302)

It is against the law for any person under twenty-one (21) to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage. It is against the law for anyone to sell or give any alcoholic beverage to a person under twenty-one (21) or to aid or abet such a person in selling, purchasing or possessing any alcoholic beverage. Any person who aids or abets an underage person in violating this law may be fined $1000, receive community service hours, or both.

Drinking and Driving

In North Carolina, it is illegal to drive a vehicle while noticeably impaired or with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher. When driving a commercial motor vehicle, the limit is 0.04. The most significant aspects of the state’s DWI law makes punishment more severe for the impaired driver in general and the repeat offender in particular. For offenders who fall into one of the five (5) levels of misdemeanor DWI, Level 1 being the most serious and Level 5 the least, the likelihood of spending time has increased, along with the fines.

Level 5

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $200 fine.
  • Between 24 hours and 60 days in jail. (Your judge might suspend your sentence to 24 hours of imprisonment or 24 hours of community service as part of probation.)
  • Substance abuse assessment, if you’re placed on probation.

Level 4

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $500 fine.
  • Between 48 hours and 120 days in jail. (Your judge might suspend your sentence to 48 hours of imprisonment or 48 hours of community service as part of probation.)
  • Substance abuse assessment, if you’re placed on probation.

Level 3

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $1,000 fine.
  • Between 72 hours and 6 months in jail. (Your judge might suspend your sentence to 72 hours of imprisonment or 72 hours of community service as part of probation.)
  • Substance abuse assessment, if you’re placed on probation.

Level 2

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $2,000 fine.
  • Between 7 days and 12 months in jail. (Your judge might suspend your sentence to 90 days of abstaining from alcohol, which the court will monitor.)
  • Substance abuse assessment, if you’re placed on probation.

Level 1

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $4,000 fine.
  • Between 30 days and 24 months in jail. (Your judge might give you 10 days under probation cases involving alcohol monitoring for 120 days.)
  • Substance abuse assessment, if you’re placed on probation.

Aggravated Level 1

  • Immediate license suspension for 30 days, with the possibility of limited driving privileges after 10 days.
  • Up to a $10,000 fine.
  • Between 12 months and 36 months in jail. (Your judge might give you 120 days under probation cases involving alcohol monitoring for a minimum of 120 days.)
  • Monitored abstaining from alcohol for 4 months after prison release.
  • Substance abuse assessment.

Other DWI Penalties

Substance Abuse Assessment

The NC DMV and state court system work with the state’s Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services to make sure DWI offenders receive substance abuse assessment and complete any required steps, such as education courses like the state’s Alcohol and Drug Education Traffic School (ADETS) or treatment programs.

Your judge, DWI attorney, and possibly the NC DMV will provide you with information specific to your situation, but you can get a head start with these facts:

  • $100 fee for the DWI assessment.
  • $160 fee for ADETS.

Health Risks of Drugs and Alcohol:

Alcohol: Alcohol (a depressant) travels through the bloodstream to different parts of the body causing a number of changes in behavior and physiology. Drinking small amounts of alcohol may affect a person’s judgment, thinking, and coordination. Larger amounts may make a person sick or cause permanent damage to organs in the body (including liver, stomach, pancreas, lungs, brain, skin, eyes, throat, mouth, and bladder). Alcohol poisoning can cause death.

Amphetamines: These may cause rapid or irregular heartbeats, tremors, loss, and coordination, and possible death. Amphetamines may cause a person to act irrationally.

Cannabis, Marijuana, and Hashish: These drugs affect thinking and behavior. They may cause loss of coordination, confusion, distortion of reality, paranoia, and depression. Marijuana smoke is extremely toxic and may increase chances of developing lung cancer.

Cocaine and Crack: Users of this drug build up a tolerance that makes them want more. The physical reactions to a person’s body are unpredictable. Even small amounts of this drug may cause chest pains, blurred vision, convulsions, and death.

Hallucinogens, LSD, and PCP: These drugs cause changes in thinking and in the senses. Lysergic Acid (LSD) may cause elevated heart rate, irregular breathing, hallucinations, paranoia, violence, and panic. “Flashbacks” may appear days or weeks later. Phencyclidine (PCP) may cause confusion, depression, loss of coordination, and irrational behavior. The person may become violent, have extreme mood swings/disorders, and speech problems. Death may also be a result of use of either of these drugs.

Heroin: Heroin is an opiate narcotic that causes the body to have diminished pain reactions. The use of this drug may cause damage to the brain and other organs. Coma and death may result due to a reduction of heart rate.

Methamphetamines (Meth): These drugs are highly addictive central nervous system stimulants that can increase activity and decrease appetite. Use of this drug can cause addiction, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings/disturbances, and violent behavior. Psychotic symptoms can include paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.

Inhalants: Inhalants are chemicals that give off fumes that cause an intoxicated, drunken feeling when breathed in. These include, but are not limited to: paint thinner, bath salts, glue, gasoline, and spray paint. Inhalants are absorbed into the bloodstream and are passed on to body organs within seconds. Inhalants lower the flow of oxygen, and may cause permanent damage, dizziness, convulsions, and death.

Stimulants: These drugs speed up the nervous system. They increase activity and alertness. They may speed up the heart rate, raise blood pressure, and decrease appetite. They may cause sleeplessness, dizziness, anxiety, and depression. Stimulants may cause damage to the brain, heart, lungs, and may result in death.

Information on Drugs and Alcohol Assistance:

SAMSHA Alcohol/Drug Treatment Referral 800-662-4357
Alcoholics Anonymous 800-839-1686
Atrium Anson  704-994-4500
Atrium Union 704-993-3100
Behavioral Health First Step 980-993-7700
Cocaine Hotline 800-304-2219
Sandhills Center for Mental Health 800-256-2452

Communicable Disease Policy and Procedure

The Communicable Disease Policy promotes the good health and safety of students and employees, strives to minimize transmission of a communicable disease while ensuring that all essential college services remain operational to the maximum extent possible, and prohibits discrimination against persons afflicted with communicable diseases.

All medical information related to communicable diseases of students and employees shall be kept confidential and no person, group, agency, insurer, employer, or institution shall be provided any medical information without prior, specific written consent of a student or employee unless providing such information is required by state and/or federal law.

Students who know that they are infected with a communicable disease are urged to share that information, on a confidential basis, with the Director of Student Advocacy and Accountability so that the college can respond appropriately to their health and educational needs. Employees who know that they are infected should share that information, on a confidential basis, with the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Payroll.

Persons who know or have reasonable basis for believing that they are infected are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated, ethically and legally, to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of other members in the community.

Copyright Policy

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of all photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing, at South Piedmont Community College.

South Piedmont Community College requires that all employees and students comply with federal copyright laws. Failure to abide by the copyright law of the United States could result in disciplinary action or dismissal. The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing, may be subjected to civil and criminal liabilities.

The information that follows is intended to assist employees and students in managing copyrighted materials.

A copyright is a set of exclusive legal rights authors have over their works for a limited period of time. Section 106 of the copyright law gives the author exclusive rights to:

  • reproduce the copyrighted work,
  • prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work,
  • distribute copies of the copyrighted work by sale or loan,
  • perform or display the copyrighted work publicly,
  • perform the copyrighted work publically by means of a digital audio transmission.

Currently, the author’s rights begin when a work is created. Copyright notices are not required on works created after March 1, 1989.

Copyright protection exists for all works created in any medium of expression as long as the works are fixed in a tangible medium of expression so they can be experienced with or without the aid of equipment. Such works include:

  1. Literary works;
  2. Sheet music and musical performances;
  3. Dramatic works, including any accompanying music;
  4. Pantomimes and choreographic works;
  5. Pictorial, graphic, and sculpture works;
  6. Motion pictures and other audiovisual works; and
  7. Sound recordings.

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of these exclusive rights granted to the author. A copyright infringer can be liable for actual damages and profits, or for statutory damages, as determined by a court. Court rulings show that statutory damages may range from $250 to $50,000 per infringement, depending upon the extent of the infringement. In addition, the infringer can be assessed for court costs and the plaintiff’s attorney’s fees. Court costs and attorney’s fees frequently exceed the amount of damages and profits. When infringements are made for profit, criminal charges and potential imprisonment may be added. Employees who engage in copyright infringement may be subject to SPCC’s personnel disciplinary procedures. Students who engage in copyright infringement may be subject to SPCC’s Student Code of Conduct and/or Academic Integrity.

Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author’s permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher or student to illustrate a lesson.

There are no explicit, predefined, legal specifications of how much and when one can copy, but there are guidelines for fair use. Each case of copying must be evaluated according to four (4) factors:

  1. The purpose and nature of the use. If the copy is used for teaching at a non-profit institution, distributed without charge, and made by a teacher or students acting individually, then the copy is more likely to be considered as fair use. In addition, an interpretation of fair use is more likely if the copy was made spontaneously, for temporary use, not as part of an “anthology” and not as an institutional requirement or suggestion.
  2. The nature of copyrighted work. For example, an article from a newspaper would be considered differently than a workbook made for instruction. With multimedia material there are different standards and permissions for different media: a digitized photo from a magazine, a video clip from a movie, and an audio selection from a CD would be treated differently –the selections are not treated as equivalent pieces of digital data.
  3. The nature and substantiality of the material used. In general, when other criteria are met, the copying of extracts that are “not substantial in length” when compared to the whole of which they are part may be considered fair use.
  4. The effect of use on the potential market for or value of the work. In general, a work that supplants the normal market is considered an infringement, but a work does not have influence the market to be an infringement.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is a convenient way for people to share files directly between computers using an online service. File sharing through a P2P network is not illegal so long as the person responsible for uploading the file has the legal right to distribute that file. However, since authors have the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute copies of their own work, sharing copyrighted music, videos, movies, articles, ebooks, or images without an author’s permission is an infringement of the author’s copyright.

Questions related to copying any materials should be directed to the Director of Library Services.

Intellectual Property

SPCC’s intellectual property policy and accompanying procedure address ownership of materials, compensation, copyright issues, and use of revenue from the creation and production of all intellectual property. The policy applies to all students, including those in distance learning courses and programs; all faculty, including those teaching distance learning courses and programs; all instructors, and all college staff.

Intellectual property is defined as any intellectual or creative work that can be copyrighted, patented, or trademarked. South Piedmont Community College (SPCC) encourages the development, writing, invention, and production of intellectual property designed to improve the productivity of the College and/ or to enhance the learning environment.

The ownership of intellectual property will be determined according to the following conditions:

The employee or student retains ownership and any revenue generated in any of the following situations:

  • The work was created independently and as a result of the individual’s initiative. It was not requested by the College.
  • The work is not a product of a specific contract or assignment made as a result of employment or affiliation with the College.
  • The work was not prepared within the scope of the employee’s job duties.
  • The work was produced by an employee or a student without funds, resources, or facilities owned or controlled by the College.

The College retains ownership if the above criteria are not met and/or if any of the following criteria apply:

  • The work is prepared within the scope of the employee’s job duties.
  • The work is prepared within the scope of class assignments.
  • The work is the product of a specific contract or assignment made during the employee’s or student’s affiliation with the College.
  • The development of the work involved facilities, time, and/or other resources of the College including but not limited to release time, grant funds, College personnel, salary supplement, leave with pay, or other materials or financial assistance.

The College retains and controls all rights to license or sell any intellectual property owned by the College. Any revenues generated from intellectual property owned by the College shall be treated as institutional funds to be used to support the needs of the College.

When it is foreseen that commercially valuable property may be created, the College and the employee or student should negotiate an agreement for ownership and sharing of benefits and compensation prior to creation of the property. Any agreement, whether occurring prior to or following creation of the property, will be negotiated with the President of the College.

Upon the emergence of issues or disputes relating to intellectual property, the President will appoint an ad hoc Intellectual Property Committee, composed of equal numbers of faculty and staff, to make recommendations to the President concerning the disposition of the issue. In cases where a student is involved, a member of the Student Government Association will also be appointed to the committee. The President will make the final decision on the issue.

Internet Use Policy and Procedure

SPCC Policy 2.05 is implemented to ensure that Internet access does not impair network security, result in inappropriate use, or impede learners from performing their duties as an employee or student. Any use of the Internet for such purposes as gambling, viewing pornographic material, or any activity that is unlawful or degrades, impacts, or restricts acceptable uses is strictly prohibited. All SPCC computers are subject to periodic audits, and violations of this policy may result in temporary or permanent restriction of access.

Internet access is provided for the purposes of enhancing education, research and development, and conducting college business. Acceptable uses include staying current with developments in a particular discipline, researching for class projects, or learning about new technologies. Other appropriate uses include communications with peers and researching products for purchase. All SPCC computers are subject to periodic audits, and violations of SPCC Policy 2.05 may result in temporary or permanent restriction of Internet access. Offenses in violation of local, state, or federal law will result in restriction of network access and will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Website Use Policy and Procedure

All official college web pages on the website must be approved prior to creation by the College The College is also responsible for recruiting and training staff outside who will keep content on designated college web pages accurate and current. SPCC staff and faculty members will be responsible for following website use procedures.

South Piedmont Community College’s presence on the World Wide Web is critical to its mission of learning, student success, workforce and community development. For many individuals, web pages on the Internet will be the single source of information about the college. SPCC web pages must reflect the college’s values, including respect for academics, intellectual properties, privacy, and the law, and the need to make information available to everyone without regard to disability.

  • The college’s web policy is designed to establish standards and guidelines that will:
  • Support the vision, mission, purpose and values of the college.
  • Assist web developers in creating sites that comply with college policies, rules and regulations, and local, state, and federal laws.
  • Facilitate the official business of the college and enable appropriate and secure online transactions.

Use of College Name, Seal, and Logo

The College name, seal, and interlocking logo may be used on a non-college website only with written permission from the President’s Office. Older, revised versions of the college’s name, seal, and interlocking logo may not be used.


All electronic publications must follow college and legal standards regarding copyright. In general, web publishers must secure permission from the owner of the copyright when using copyrighted or trademarked materials, including text, photographs, audio, video, graphics, maps, or logos, and include a permission statement or disclaimer as required by the owner of the copyright or trademark.

Student Information Disclosure

The disclosure of information about students is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Faculty and staff should not post student information on non-secure web sites. While directory information should not be posted on college web pages, FERPA does allow the disclosure of certain information for directory purposes, including student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended.


Web sites that collect individually identifiable information must provide a privacy statement. The statement must be clear and accessible and should cover the Federal Trade Commission’s core principles of privacy: notice, consent, access, security and enforcement.

SPCC collects and stores certain information about visitors to its website but does not identify individual users. The information gathered enables the college to produce summary statistical reports. Some applications on the website ask for personal information to enable the college to process requests. Information collected from users will be used only for the purpose defined when the request was made. SPCC does not sell, distribute, or otherwise provide information collected on its websites to third parties.


College web sites may be subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act and are subject to college nondiscrimination policies. All electronic publications, to the extent feasible, should be made accessible to people with disabilities. If accessibility is not feasible, the information should be made available by alternative means.

Links to and from Non-College Web Sites

Links from a South Piedmont Community College page to a non-college site must not imply college endorsement of the site’s products, services, or mission. A disclaimer must be included: Links on these pages to non-college sites do not represent endorsement by South Piedmont Community College or its affiliates. The college welcomes links to its web site for educational and informational purposes, but the link must not imply endorsement by or affiliation with South Piedmont Community College.

SPCC may provide links on its webpages to:

  • Other government agencies
  • Educational institutions within the service area or institutions with which the college has articulation agreements
  • Libraries within the service area
  • Hospitals within the service area
  • Other entities deemed important to the economic development of SPCC’s service area

Requests for links on SPCC’s main links page for organizations that fall into one of the categories previously described must be in writing and directed to the college webmaster. Links may be provided for convenience and information only, and SPCC assumes no responsibility for their content and does not endorse those web sites or organizations. SPCC reserves the right to post links on the college web site that institutional representatives deem appropriate, and the college reserves the right to reject requests for links considered inappropriate. The college reserves the right to reject links. Requests for links should be made to the President’s Office.

Personal Web Pages

Personal web pages created by faculty, staff, or students on the college systems are the sole responsibility of their authors and must contain only information relevant to the college’s mission. Comments on the contents of those pages should be directed to the page author. As a service and for informational purposes only, the college may provide links to personal web pages. Personal pages must not indicate that the author is representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the college. The following disclaimer must be included: The opinions or statements expressed should not be interpreted as a position of or endorsement by South Piedmont Community College.


Web sites covered by this policy are prohibited from hosting pages of entities or individuals not affiliated with the institution.


The South Piedmont Community College Foundation, Inc., is the sole entity authorized to conduct fundraising by utilizing college web pages.


For questions about the SPCC Web Policy, contact the President’s Office at 704-290-5251.

Free Speech and Public Assembly

South Piedmont Community College (SPCC) encourages its community to exercise the right to freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Members of the college community and the public may engage in constitutionally protected speech and expression at SPCC provided it does not interfere with the primary educational purpose of the College.

SPCC supports the rights of freedom of speech, petition, and peaceful assembly but reserves the right to restrict the time, place, and manner of expression. Any acts that are disruptive to normal operations of the College including but not limited to instruction, college business, or actions which interfere with the rights of others will not be tolerated. Faculty, staff, and students engaging in disruptive activity may be subject to disciplinary action or criminal charges.

Registration and Use of Designated Free Speech Area

The college hereby designates the following areas as Free Speech/Expression areas:

Old Charlotte Highway Campus Patio
L.L. Polk Campus Gazebo
Lockhart-Taylor Center Grass area near street
Tyson Family Center for Technology  

These areas shall be available for use by both members of the college community and members of the general public. However, events sponsored by members of the college community shall have first priority in using the Free Speech/Expression areas. Requests will be assigned to the person or organization that requests the area first. The College reserves the right to relocate any assembly to ensure that the activity does not interfere with the normal operation of the College or interfere with the rights of others.

Requests for Free Speech

Individuals or groups wishing to exercise their free speech should submit a written and signed request to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at least three (3) working days prior to the desired date. The following information must be included in this written request:

  • Name of the person or organization submitting the request
  • Address, email, and phone number
  • Date and times requested
  • List of planned activities (i.e., speech, signs, distribution of literature)
  • Anticipated number of participants and attendance
  • Signature of requestor

Approvals are for one (1) day only for a maximum of three (3) continuous hours, between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs will notify the Director of Safety & Security of any approved Free Speech event.

Guidelines for Speech and Public Assembly

  • Amplification Systems.

Because amplification systems pose a significant potential for disruption of college operation, public address and amplification systems may not be used. This includes, but is not limited to, megaphones and PA systems.

  • The Right to Dissent.

The right to dissent is the complement of the right to speak, but these rights need not occupy the same forum at the same time. The speaker is entitled to communicate his or her message to the audience during his or her allotted time, and the audience is entitled to hear the message and see the speaker during that time. A dissenter must not substantially interfere with the speaker’s ability to communicate or the audience’s ability to hear and see the speaker. Likewise, the audience must respect the right to dissent.

  • Picketing and Distribution of Literature.

Picketing in an orderly manner or distributing literature within the free speech area is acceptable when approved during the request process as coordinated and approved by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Picketing is not permitted inside college buildings.

  • Symbolic Protest.

During a presentation, displaying a sign, gesturing, wearing symbolic clothing, or otherwise protesting silently is permissible so long as the symbolic protest does not unduly interfere with the ability of the person or entity reserving an area for free speech/expression to express themselves.

  • Marches.

Campus marches are not permitted.

Conduct and Manner

  • Those who exercise free speech as a part of this policy must not:
  1. Threaten passersby.
  2. Interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  3. Interfere with or disrupt any other lawful activity in the same general location at the same time.
  4. Commit any act likely to create an imminent safety or health hazard.
  5. Post materials on any walls, windows, doors, sidewalks, trees, light poles, etc., or any other college equipment except in areas designated by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs.
  6. Carry signs or placards that exceed three (3) feet by three (3) feet promoting the objective of the activity. They must not contain obscene language or words that would tend to incite violence.
  • Public speech or activities likely to incite or produce imminent lawless action or that are, under current legal standards, either defamatory or obscene are prohibited. Violations of the SPCC Student Code of Conduct are prohibited.
  • Individuals who damage or destroy college property shall be held responsible for such damage or destruction. This includes lawns, shrubs, trees, etc.
  • A request for use of free speech areas may be denied if determined that the proposed speech/ activity will constitute a clear and present danger to the orderly operation of the college.
  • All applicable college regulations, state and federal laws and municipal ordinances apply when engaging in activities on college property. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from college property and other appropriate action by college officials and/or law enforcement officials.

Interference with Free Speech or Public Assembly

Persons shall not physically interfere in the use of the sidewalk or address obscene, indecent, or threatening language to or at individuals to provoke them or lead to a breach of the peace. Whenever free passage is obstructed by a crowd, the persons composing such crowd shall disperse when directed by college officials, security, or law enforcement officials. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. Groups wishing to only hand out literature (no signs, no speech, no means of identification) may request in writing to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs the use of additional areas on a limited basis.

Solicitation by Outside Parties

Solicitation by outside parties is strictly regulated to provide protection for South Piedmont Community College employees and students.

No Solicitation-Distribution Rule

South Piedmont Community College, as an employer, is legally responsible for promoting the efficiency of the public services it performs. The following rules address that legal responsibility:

  • Solicitation or distribution by persons other than employees of South Piedmont Community College (SPCC) in those areas of school property that are not open to the public is prohibited.
  • Solicitation or distribution by persons other than employees of SPCC in those areas of school property that are open to the public is prohibited to the extent that such solicitation or distribution results in substantial disruption of, or material interference with college, administrative, or operational activities. Areas open to the public are defined as areas outside the main entrance to college facilities and designated locations inside student centers at each campus.
  • No solicitation or distribution by email, fax, or other electronic means may be made until approval is granted by the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services.
  • No written announcement or advertisement can be posted on SPCC property until approved by the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services or their designee.
  • No written announcement or advertisement can be distributed on vehicles parked on SPCC property until approval is granted by either the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services (for employees and public) or the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs (for students).

Field Trip Forms

Students should familiarize themselves with field trip forms, whether they are traveling in a South Piedmont Community College vehicle or their own vehicle. Field trip forms are mandatory and must be signed and submitted to Student Affairs before participating in the event. If a student drives their own vehicle, the college will assume no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents. Any citations the driver receives while driving their own vehicles is solely the responsibility of the driver.

Inclement Weather Policy

SPCC ensures the safety of students and employees by implementing a policy and procedure to be observed during inclement weather and other exigent conditions. When these conditions occur on days of scheduled classes and/or events, South Piedmont Community College will post announcements of closings or delays on the College website, area television stations, via the College’s mass notification system, and through South Piedmont Community College’s email system. Any decisions to close or delay college classes and/or events will be posted as early as the situation permits.

At all times, students and employees should use sound judgment when making travel decisions. Additionally, they should exercise caution when traveling to and from campus during periods of inclement weather.

Although the campuses may be closed, online classes continue! Each on-campus class has a Canvas site and make up work for missed classes should be completed through Canvas. When the campus is closed, students should log in to their classes to avoid falling behind.

Crime Statistics and Annual Safety and Security Report (Clery Act)

The National Campus Safety Act requires all institutions of higher education to report annual campus crime statistics. The annual security report is also available at Student Affairs.

For offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, such statistics shall be compiled in accordance with the definitions used in section 40002(9) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 13925(a)). Such statistics shall not identify victims of crimes or persons accused of crimes.